Undernutrition during early lactation as an alternative model to study the onset of diabetes mellitus type Ii

Moura, A.S.; Carpinelli, A.R.; Barbosa, F.B.; Gravena, C.; Mathias, P.C.

Research Communications in Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology 92(1): 73-84


ISSN/ISBN: 1078-0297
PMID: 8733829
Document Number: 458352
In order to characterize an alternative animal model for the study of diabetes mellitus type II onset, we compared the effects of a diet containing 8% of protein (LPD) and a normal diet containing 25% of protein supplied to the dams during the first 12 days of lactation. We studied in the pups the growth evolution and, when they develop into adults (60 days), the glucose tolerance test (GTT) and the insulin secretion, in response to stimulatory concentrations of glucose. The weight of the two groups were significantly different at 60 days of age (LPD = 179 +/- 19 g; NPD = 186 +/- 18 g). The GTT ten minutes after iv glucose administration showed a significant increase of blood glucose concentration of the LPD group (LPD = 550 +/- 17 mg/dl; NPD = 425 +/- 13 mg/dl, p < 0.001). The insulin secretion, four minutes after stimulation was found reduced in the LPD group (LPD = 1.1 +/- 0.08 muU/islet/min; NPD = 1.85 +/- 0.2 muU/islet/min.). The present study indicates insulin secretory and/or resistance impairment due to early undernutrition. Also, the data taken together suggest that undernutrition during early lactation can be used as an alternative model to study particular characteristics of the onset of diabetes mellitus type II.

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