Experience of surgical treatment of patients with N2 lung cancer
Qu, J.; Hou, W.; Shi, N.
Zhonghua Zhong Liu Za Zhi 18(5): 376-378
ISSN/ISBN: 0253-3766 PMID: 9387280 Document Number: 455192
From January 1987 to December 1993, 426 patients with lung cancer were operated in our hospital, among which 159 patients were diagnosed postoperatively to be N-2 disease by pathology including 81 central type and 78 peripheral type lung cancer. Radical operations were performed on 135 cases, palliative operations on 24 cases. Follow up study: one-year survival rate was 71.7%, three-year survival rate 29.0% and five-year survival rate 21.7%. The main factors affecting operative results are tumor cell type, the number and location of metastatic lymph nodes and the thoroughness of dissection. Tumor staging, except T-4 tumor, is not a main factor influencing prognosis. The indications of operation performed on N-2 lung cancer and the necessity of extensive nodal exenteration are also discussed in this article. We consider extensive hilar and mediastinal nodal exenteration necessary in order to achieve radical resection and good prognosis.