In vitro comparison of instruments for root canal preparation. III. Study of the instruments from the viewpoint of shaping asymmetry

Bartha, K.; Dobó, N.C.; Bernáth, M.; Szabó, J.

Fogorvosi Szemle 88(10): 319-329


ISSN/ISBN: 0015-5314
PMID: 8521999
Document Number: 447748
The shape of the prepared root canals is not consistent with the original anatomical shape in the majority of curved canals. The discrepancy is dependent of the type of instrument, the original anatomical form of the root canal and the location of the measurement. The original shape of the root canal has to be taken into consideration in the selection of preparatory instruments because their application is limited by the above mentioned factor. The sonic and ultrasonic preparatory instruments form an exception in this respect due to their non aggressive way of shaping. These instruments cannot be disregarded in the preparation of curved root canals.

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