Immunisations after bone marrow transplantation: results of a European survey and recommendations from the infectious diseases working party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Ljungman, P.; Cordonnier, C.; de Bock, R.; Einsele, H.; Engelhard, D.; Grundy, J.; Link, H.; Locasciulli, A.; Prentice, G.; Reusser, P.

Bone Marrow Transplantation 15(3): 455-460


ISSN/ISBN: 0268-3369
PMID: 7599572
Document Number: 444678
Increased numbers of recipients of BMTs and autologous BMTs are becoming long-term survivors. Existing data support that loss of protective immunity to agents such as tetanus and poliovirus is common in patients who received BMTs and autologous BMTs. Thus, a reimmunisation programme is needed to ensure immunity. A questionnaire concerning immunisation practices was sent to EBMT member centres. The immunisation practices varied extensively in the 59 responding BMT and 48 responding autologous BMT centres. Sixty five per cent of responding centres routinely immunise patients who received allogeneic BMTs whereas 37% were routinely immunising recipients of autologous BMTs. Tetanus toxoid and inactivated poliovirus vaccine were the most frequently used vaccines in both BMT and autologous BMT centres. Immunisations of recipients of both BMTs and autologous BMTs with tetanus toxoid, diphtheria toxoid, inactivated poliovirus vaccine and influenza vaccine are recommended. Other vaccines, and in particular live attenuated vaccines, may be considered on an individual basis.

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