Enterocolitis necroticans in a neonate from a twin pregnancy with intrauterine death of the fetus
Kasznia-Kocot, J.; Woźniak, F.; Sypniewski, J.; Bujok, G.; Gubała-Kacała, M.
Pediatria Polska 70(1): 79-81
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-3939 PMID: 7624175 Document Number: 443809
The turbulent perinatal period in a neonate from a pregnancy with intrauterine death of one fetus is described. The live fetus was born in the 37th week of pregnancy after the macerated twin was delivered spontaneously. Convulsions, hypocalcemia, thrombocytopenia and enterocolitis necroticans were observed during the neonatal period.
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