Infection and bacterial colonization of urogenital system in pregnancy, its effect on the clinical course of pregnancy, fetus and newborn
Bashmakova, M.A.; Kosheleva, N.G.; Kalashnikova, E.P.
Akusherstvo i Ginekologiia 1: 15-18
ISSN/ISBN: 0300-9092 PMID: 7762741 Document Number: 440106
Colonization/infection of the genitals with Mycoplasma, group B Streptococci, and Chlamydia was studied in pregnant women. The course of gestation in women colonized with microorganisms was frequently aggravated by threatened spontaneous abortions, high incidence of hydramnion, late gestoses, pyelonephritis. For the newborns a reduced body mass and increased perinatal morbidity and mortality were characteristic. Transfer of microorganisms to the fetus and newborn was observed in 40-50% of cases and was not always associated with development of a disease. In cases of lethal outcomes of a neonatal disease pneumonia and placentitis were the constant morphological manifestations of the infection. In streptococcal and mycoplasmic infection the inflammation in the placenta was diffuse, involving the decium both in the placenta and in the extraplacental membranes.