Mini-incision vasectomy reversal using no-scalpel vasectomy principles: efficacy and postoperative pain compared with traditional approaches to vasectomy reversal

Grober, E.D.; Jarvi, K.; Lo, K.C.; Shin, E.-J.

Urology 77(3): 602-606


ISSN/ISBN: 1527-9995
PMID: 21185588
DOI: 10.1016/j.urology.2010.09.051
Document Number: 436569
To evaluate the efficacy and postoperative morbidity of a mini-incision vasectomy reversal (MIVR) using no-scalpel vasectomy principles compared with traditional incisional approaches to vasectomy reversal (VR). Of 164 patients undergoing consecutive VR, 139 underwent bilateral vasovasostomy (55% bilateral MIVR, 24% mixed MIVR/traditional incision VR, and 21% bilateral traditional incision VR). The MIVRs were performed using a subcentimeter incision after the vas deferens was captured and delivered through the skin using the no-scalpel vasectomy principles and instruments. Semen analyses were obtained at 3-month intervals postoperatively until pregnancy was achieved. Motile sperm in the ejaculate after VR defined patency. Pain and functional recovery after surgery were evaluated using a previously validated 10-point pain scale adapted to VR. The no-scalpel vasectomy patients served as controls for the postoperative pain assessments. The median follow-up was 11.6 months. The patency rate was 96%, 100%, and 91% for the MIVR, mixed MIVR/traditional incision, and bilateral traditional incision VR, respectively (P = .4). The semen parameters did not significantly differ among the VR approaches. The pain severity during the first 48 hours after surgery was significantly less (P < .05) for the patients who had undergone bilateral MIVR than for the patients who had undergone traditional incision VR and did not significantly differ from that of the men who had undergone no-scalpel vasectomy. The patients returned to normal activities an average of 2 days earlier after MIVR than after traditional incision VR. The results of our study have shown that MIVR does not compromise patency outcomes or semen parameters compared with more traditional approaches to VR and results in less pain during the early period of recovery after surgery and quicker functional recovery.

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