Effects levocabastine ophthalmic solution (H1 receptor antagonist) on symptoms of vernal conjunctivitis. a prospective, randomized double-blind study

Graue, E.

Gaceta Medica de Mexico 130(6): 481-486


ISSN/ISBN: 0016-3813
PMID: 7557064
Document Number: 434889
A double blind, prospective and randomized study was carried out in forty patients with clinical diagnosis of vernal conjunctivitis and eosinophilia in conjunctival scrapings. They were divided in two randomized groups of 20 patients each. One of the groups received levocabastine ophthalmic solution and the other saline solution drops. The mean age of the study group was 9.1 years old with a vernal conjunctivitis history of 44 months. The control group mean age was 10.1 years old and a history of vernal conjunctivitis of 48 months prior the enter of the study. One group received levocabastine 0.5 mgrs/ml while the other balanced saline solution, one drop every 12 hours per seven days. The patients evaluated their symptoms through a visual analogic scale (every day). Data collected was analyzed, for the first, third and seventh day, through U-Mann Whitney statistical analysis. Epiphora and photophobia showed a significant improvement. Itching, edema and foreign body sensation showed improvement in the levocabastine group but without statistical significance. Hyperthermia remained the same in both groups studied.

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