HLA-B44-directed cytotoxic T cells associated with acute graft-versus-host disease following unrelated bone marrow transplantation

Keever, C.A.; Leong, N.; Cunningham, I.; Copelan, E.A.; Avalos, B.R.; Klein, J.; Kapoor, N.; Adams, P.W.; Orosz, C.G.; Tutschka, P.J.

Bone Marrow Transplantation 14(1): 137-145


ISSN/ISBN: 0268-3369
PMID: 7951101
Document Number: 432502
We describe the recipient of a marrow graft from an HLA-serologically identical unrelated donor from whom highly potent host-reactive CTL of donor origin were isolated in association with acute GVHD. Extensive sequence and biochemical analysis of the HLA complex of this donor and recipient revealed several disparities in class I and class II HLA with the potential to be recognized by T cells from the donor or the host. The donor-derived CTL exclusively recognized a class I HLA difference associated with HLA-B44. Nucleotide sequencing of donor and recipient cells revealed that the patient possessed the HLA-B*4402 allele recognized by IEF as B44.2 while the donor possessed HLA-B*4403 (IEF variant B44.1). These alleles differ at one amino acid residue located at position 156 in the alpha-2 domain. The donor-derived CTL were shown to be specific for B44.2 by blocking studies and by the lysis of five different B44.2+ unrelated cell lines, two of which were confirmed by sequencing to be homozygous for B*4402. A host-specific difference involving a HLA-DRB1 allele was not recognized by the CTL, neither did HLA differences unique to the donor HLA-B*4403 and HLA-DQ8 elicit a host response. These data show that certain HLA disparities may be tolerated at the same time that other disparities elicit a potent immunologic response. The chemical nature of the difference, its structural impact, as well as the conditions of transplant appear to influence the type of response which occurs.

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