Violence against women: priorities for public health research in New Zealand
Fanslow, J.; Norton, R.
New Zealand Medical Journal 107(972): 63-64
ISSN/ISBN: 0028-8446 PMID: 8115074 Document Number: 431139
Violence against women is a significant public health problem. However, little is known about the most effective ways of reducing the consequent mortality, morbidity and disability. Given both the paucity of research in this area and limited resources, there is a need to identify priorities for research that have the support of caregivers, survivors of violence, policy makers and researchers. This paper presents the results of a national process of consultation, which was successful in identifying five priority areas for research in New Zealand. These areas are as follows: primary prevention; improving the responsiveness of health care professionals; economic costs of violence; incidence and prevalence; and secondary prevention.