The work of the Serbian Medical Society--the Medical Society of Vojvodina under present conditions
Borota, R.
Medicinski Pregled 47(1-2): 5-9
ISSN/ISBN: 0025-8105 PMID: 7739433 Document Number: 429906
The content of work of medical society in Vojvodina has always been primarily set by the founder with its main goal: the physicians professional and scientific specialization. In recent years there have been many socio-political, moral and social changes which have had great influence on the work of medical organizations. The poverty of the whole society, especially of the health service, has completely disabled organization of big professional meeting so that the professional activity meant mostly one-day meetings in health institutions. Although there was a threatening possibility to stop publishing the professional journal "Medical Review" after 47 years of appearing in print, today problem is solved by financial help by the government. Apart from professional work, other activities of physicians organizations are becoming important today. An appropriate attitude toward war generally speaking was declared in 1992 as an "Appeal for Peace". A request was made to distinguish profession and politics in the work of physicians so that the society acted only as a professional organization without political involvement and there is an initiative to found a medical association. Physicians gave their best in this hard situation to maintain work of the health service, but as it was not possible any more at one moment, an extra congress of physicians of Serbia was organized verifying serious consequences of war considering the health of the whole population. Society has been extremely engaged in solving numerous problems of ethics which have appeared due to war such as lack of medicines and health care materials as well as abuse of the private medical practice.