Racial differences in fetal morphometry in Singapore
Yeo, G.S.; Chan, W.B.; Lun, K.C.; Lai, F.M.
Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore 23(3): 371-376
ISSN/ISBN: 0304-4602 PMID: 7944253 Document Number: 428715
A systematic collection of fetal morphometric measurements was started seven years ago in 1987 with the prospective entry of data into personal computer-based stations in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Singapore General Hospital. A cross-sectional study was done, comparing 2392 Chinese fetuses with 2117 Malay fetuses and 459 Indian fetuses from 18 to 40 weeks. The mean values of the head circumference (HC), abdominal circumference (AC) and femur length (FL) of the 3 ethnic groups were analysed. There were no statistical significant differences in the head circumference and abdominal circumference of Chinese, Malay and Indian fetuses in Singapore. The Chinese and Malay fetal femur length appeared similar but were apparently shorter than the Indian femur length. Nomograms of head circumference, abdominal circumference and femur length were constructed for application to fetuses of all 3 ethnic groups.