Patterns of Catholic-Protestant intermarriage in Northern Ireland

Lee, R.M.

International Journal of Sociology of the Family 15(1-2): 62-80


ISSN/ISBN: 0020-7667
PMID: 12280965
DOI: 10.2307/23027733
Document Number: 424531
"Some of the social factors governing the incidence of religious intermarriage in Northern Ireland are reviewed before setting out data from a special tabulation of the 1971 census of Northern Ireland. According to the tabulation only some 2% of married couples enumerated declared themselves to be in Catholic-Protestant marriages....The tabulation suggests that the likelihood of marriage across the Catholic-Protestant divide is no greater for manual workers than for nonmanual workers when controls are introduced for relative group size.... There are indications that the incidence of Catholic-Protestant marriage was rising in Northern Ireland in the late 1960s."

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