Time utilisation pattern of medical officers in Primary Health Centres of Pondicherry

Narayan, K.A.; Bansal, R.D.

Indian Journal of Medical Research 79: 451-455


ISSN/ISBN: 0019-5340
PMID: 6746063
Document Number: 415988
The time utilization pattersn of 6 medical officers in primary health centers in the Pondicherry region were recorded over a 6-day period. Time was classified as either productive or nonproductiveand distributed into 6 categories: 1) direct services, including acutal technical work performed; 2) support activities, primarily related to administration; 3) travel; 4) personal; and 5) away from duty. Overall, 53.3% of the time was classified as productive. Direct services accounted for an average of 36% of the medical officers' time, 23% was spent on supportive services, and personal activities and absenteeism comprised a further 37%. Medical care accounted for 70% of the direct service time and maternal and child health services for an additional 13%. Staff interaction absorbed the bulk of the supportive service time (29%), followed by liaison work (26%) and records a reports (20%). It is recommended that medical officers allocate some of their nonproductive time toward the following activities: 1) improving patient care and spending more time with individual patients, 2) upgrading school health and maternal and child health, 3) weekly field visits, 4) monthly staff meetings and on-the-job training programs, and 5) careful scrutiny of reports and records maintained by staff. In-service training on the delivery of primary health care and health administration can be expected to improve patient care.

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