Perfusion response during electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve in profoundly deaf patients: study with single photon emission computed tomography
Scao, Y.L.; Robier, A.; Baulieu, J.L.; Beutter, P.; Pourcelot, L.
American Journal of Otology 14(1): 70-73
ISSN/ISBN: 0192-9763 PMID: 8424480 Document Number: 415562
Brain activation procedures associated with single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) recently have been developed in healthy controls and in diseased patients to help in their diagnosis and treatment. We investigated the effects of an electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve on the cerebral distribution of 99mTc-HMPAO in seven profoundly deaf adults. The promontory test was positive (PT+) in six patients and negative (PT-) in one. A count increment of the temporal cortex was observed in all patients, and was higher in all patients with PT+ (right 20%, left 19%) than in the patient with PT- (right 9%, left 3%). These results led us to consider 99mTc-HMPAO brain SPECT imaging as a potential preoperative test for cochlear implant. It might be helpful for the evaluation of cortical perfusion response to an electrical stimulation. Sensitivity tests for the method are requested before this clinical application.