Bone marrow transplantation in patients with acute leukemia

Caramatti, C.; Mangoni, L.; Carlo-Stella, C.; Rizzoli, V.

Acta Bio-Medica de l'Ateneo Parmense 64(5-6): 213-220


ISSN/ISBN: 0392-4203
PMID: 7992558
Document Number: 415267
At least three factors may be responsible for leukemic relapse in patients receiving ABMT: (a) minimal residual disease; (b) leukemic cells reinfused with the graft; and (c) the lack of a graft-versus leukemia effect. Techniques for pharmacological marrow decontamination, clinical result obtained with ABMT and the efficacy of ABMT with mafosfamide purged marrow in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia are reviewed.

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