Cryopreservation of embryos in the in vitro fertilization/embryo transfer program
Miková, M.; Zetová, L.; Mardesic, T.; Müller, P.; Stroufová, A.
Ceskoslovenska Gynekologie 58(4): 166-170
ISSN/ISBN: 0374-6852 PMID: 8402975 Document Number: 410672
An ultra-rapid method for cryopreservation of human embryos, using 1,2-propane-diol, was developed. 280 spare embryos obtained in the IVF program were frozen by this method. 91 embryos were thawed and 68 of them (74.7%) survived the procedure with more than half the blastomeres intact. 65 embryos were transferred in 28 cycles. Two pregnancies developed (7.1%), one of which ended by the birth of a healthy girl (the first birth after transfer of a frozen/thawed embryo in the Czech Republic). The other pregnancy is ongoing.