A comparative analysis of current conditions of oral health between residents living in towns and those in countryside in Guangdong Province

Chen, S.

Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi 14(2): 106-109


ISSN/ISBN: 0254-6450
PMID: 8353816
Document Number: 409466
A sampling population of 23,665 in Guangdong Province including 4 towns and 4 countryside had been surveyed for the current situation of oral health. A comparative analysis of residents between towns and countryside had been conducted and the results indicated that the rural residents had a higher prevalence rate of dental caries (65.30%) than those who lived in towns (59.96%). The Decayed Missing Filling (DMF) of the population (4.62) and of the patients (7.08) in countryside were both significantly higher than those (2.86 and 4.78, respectively) of citizens (P < 0.001). Females had a higher rate of dental caries than males both in towns and in countryside. Citizens had a higher prevalence rate of periodontosis than rural residents. This paper also presents a comparison of jaw deformity and personal health behaviour, an age distribution of dental caries and a multiple regression analysis.

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