Medico-legal consequences of complications of superficial venous surgery of the legs

Natali, J.

Phlebologie 46(4): 613-618


ISSN/ISBN: 0031-8280
PMID: 8115475
Document Number: 407092
67 cases of complications of superficial venous surgery of the lower limbs were reported. They consist in the following troubles: 23 arterious injuries, 10 venous injuries, 28 nervous injuries, 4 instrument forgettings, at last, 2 anaesthesia incidents. All these injuries lead to: 4 deaths, 9 amputations, and in 75% of cases, important functional after-effects. One has to insist on the necessity of per-surgical vigilance with the immediate therapy of injuries that have been observed. It is also necessary to look carefully after the patient during the surgery. The disrespect of these precautions is often followed by the most important complications we had to face.

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