Effect of epidural and general anaesthesia compared with general anaesthesia alone in large bowel anastomoses. A prospective study
Ryan, P.; Schweitzer, S.A.; Woods, R.J.
European Journal of Surgery 158(1): 45-49
ISSN/ISBN: 1102-4151 PMID: 1348641 Document Number: 404201
Objective: To find out whether patients did better after operations that entailed a large bowel anastomosis if they were given combined epidural and general anaesthesia with spontaneous ventilation rather than standard general anaesthesia with muscle relaxation and ventilation. Design: Prospective randomized trial. Setting: Specialist unit, teaching hospital. Subjects: 80 patients undergoing large bowel anastomoses. Main outcome measures: Incidence of chest infection, wound infection, anastomotic breakdown, urinary tract infection, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, median hospital stay and death. Results: There were no differences between the groups, but the results were better during the trial period (1985-89) than during the period 1978-83. Conclusion: Factors that influence anastomotic healing are complex and improved surgical techniques, postoperative monitoring and patient care may account for the improvement in results compared with the earlier period.