Outcome of care in a pediatric psychiatry outpatient clinic: "photography" of seven consultation centers
Manificat, S.; Dazord, A.; Gerin, P.; Guillaud-Bataille, J.M.; Beyer, H.; Pechine, C.
Pediatrie 47(4): 303-311
ISSN/ISBN: 0031-4021 PMID: 1329016 Document Number: 401647
A survey was carried out on 7 pedopsychiatric outpatient centres in the area of Lyon in order to evaluate the general outcome of care in consulting children and their families. Five public centres (centres médico-psychologiques) and 2 non-profit making private centres (centre médico-psychopédagogiques and centre d'action médico-sociale précoce) were part of the survey which included 706 children and adolescents. The survey showed that many children stop attending these centres; although, the numbers were significantly higher in the public centres compared with the non-profit making private centres. The authors suggest that differences in status and management between the two types of centres, leading to different conditions of functioning, on a practical as well as on a symbolic level, may be responsible, at least in part, for the different outcome in care between the 2 types of centres.