Utero-vaginal malformations

Galifer, R.B.

Pediatrie 47(5): 379-390


ISSN/ISBN: 0031-4021
PMID: 1331954
Document Number: 400083
This review deals with the various anatomo-clinical features and the embryogenesis of utero-vaginal malformations. Three anatomo-clinical groups are distinguished from the vaginal malformations: vaginal aplasia, vaginal septa and hydrometrocolpos. Similarly, there are 3 types of uterine malformations, each corresponding to a chronologically different embryopathological anomaly: mullerian aplasia, most often responsible for utero-vaginal aplasia, mullerian fusion defects leading to bicornuate uterus, and resorption defects of the mullerian septum resulting in uterine septum. Only the utero-vaginal malformations with a vaginal component, mainly neonatal hydrometrocolpos, can really be detected during infancy and childhood, provided that the examination of the external genitalia is systematically and carefully performed. Due to their usual clinical latency during childhood, most malformations are only discovered by the end of puberty or after menarche, the main clinical signs being primary amenorrhea, cryptomenorrhea, unilateral dysmenorrhea or isolated dyspareunia. After the clinical gynecological examination, ultrasound diagnosis is very useful to explore the internal genitalia and to search for a frequently associated anomaly of the urinary tract.

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