Specific features of the regulation of coronary circulation during reperfusion after coronary insufficiency of different degrees

Orlova, N.N.

Kardiologiia 32(6): 63-65


ISSN/ISBN: 0022-9040
PMID: 1405300
Document Number: 400039
Coronary insufficiency of various degrees was reproduced in experiments with anesthetized dogs by using coronary artery catheterization by progressively limiting the regional blood flow by 30, 50, 70, and 90%, the dog chest being closed. The specific features of regulatory reactions of cardiac vessels were also studied under subsequent reperfusion. It was shown that regulation of coronary circulation became changed in most cases after markedly limited coronary blood flow, as manifested by impaired reperfusion hyperemia and its rapid cessation that prevented the "payment" of blood flow debt and a secondary increase of cardiac vascular resistance above the preocclusive level. There was a significant relationship between the detected disorders and the degree of prior limited coronary perfusion.

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