Organization of prophylactic mass screening for tuberculosis of the population in the south of the Aral sea cost region
Ubaĭdullaev, A.M.; Ginzburg, V.S.; Khamrakulov, R.S.; Sadykov, K.S.; Khodzhniiazov, F.B.
Problemy Tuberkuleza 1992(3-4): 4-6
ISSN/ISBN: 0032-9533 PMID: 1388266 Document Number: 394821
The results of mass prophylactic screening of the population for tuberculosis in the south of the Aral sea costal region have been generalized with consideration of its geographic and sanitary--epidemiologic conditions. A mixed model of comprehensive prophylactic screenings was used for the first time with integration, for the first time, of the traditional (team) and field-work methods. The obtained results proved the efficiency of this approach: during one year a total of 1,217,400 subjects or 80% of the relevant population were involved in the prophylactic screening for the first time in one region. As a result, the epidemiologic situation related to tuberculosis was revealed and a complex of the therapeutic and health-improvement measures accomplished. The proposed measures have been tested and made the basis of a section in a complex program "Health of the population of the Aral sea costal region up to the 2000th year" which is recently being introduced in other regions of the republic.