Breastfeeding and fertility. Part II: Breastfeeding practices

Darwish, O.; el Sahn, F.

Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association 67(3-4): 259-273


ISSN/ISBN: 0013-2446
PMID: 1296962
Document Number: 390992
A cross-sectional survey described the current breastfeeding status and antenatal care of 1134 urban mothers, attending MCH centers in Alexandria governorate and gave birth within the last two years, was carried out. The results indicated that the median duration of breastfeeding was 14 months. At six month postpartum the proportion of breastfeeding mothers was 0.8. The mean age of weaning was 20.7 (+/- 4.1) months. Less than 80% of mothers attended the antenatal visits. Information about breastfeeding was provided to 80% of mothers who attended the antenatal visits.

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