Intravenous loading doses of sodium phenobarbitone in the treatment of status epilepticus

Sokić, D.V.

Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo 120(1-2): 19-25


ISSN/ISBN: 0370-8179
PMID: 1641695
Document Number: 390543
Over a period of nine months 14 adult patients with status epilecticus were treated with intravenous loading dose of phenobarbital-sodium. The initial dose was 9 to 12 mg/kg of body weight; it was increased to 36 mg/kg when seizures were stopped. The rate of infusion was 100 mg/min. In 11 of 14 patients (79%) this treatment was effective. The dose ranged from 9 to 14 mg/kg in ten patients and 36 mg/kg in the remaining one. Seizures stopped during the first minute of infusion in nine patients. This treatment was unsuccessful in 3 patients. The rate of infusion was faster in the group where the therapy was successful. In this group higher plasma levels of phenobarbital were obtained with smaller loading doses than in the other patients. Side-effects were mild and transient; they comprised prolonged postical depression of consciousness. No respiratory or cardio-vascular side-effect were observed. There was no potentiation of side-effect with subsequent application of intravenous diazepam. We conclude that intravenous phenobarbital-sodium is highly effective and safe in the treatment of status epilecticus.

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