An outpatient clinic for memory disorders; initial experiences
Walstra, G.J.; Derix, M.M.; Hijdra, A.; van Crevel, H.
Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 136(7): 328-332
ISSN/ISBN: 0028-2162 PMID: 1538802 Document Number: 390404
The department of neurology of the Academisch Medisch Centrum started an outpatient memory clinic in 1987 for patients aged 65 and older. Its specific aims are: assessment of elderly patients with memory problems, treatment where appropriate, and advice; clinical research; teaching and training. The clinic has run full-time since 1990. The approach is multidisciplinary. We describe our findings in the first 75 patients who were referred by their general practitioners because of forgetfulness or possible dementia: 72 of them had a complete investigation; 30 patients were not demented; three could be reassured because their performance was within normal limits. Four patients were depressed and they improved on therapy. Forty-two patients were demented. All had a CT scan and comprehensive blood tests but a curable cause for the dementia syndrome was never identified. This result was expected on account of the probably low frequency of 'reversible' causes and patient selection. Secondary prevention was important when a vascular component contributed to the pathogenesis of the mental deterioration (n = 6). Even when no curable condition was found, clarity about diagnosis and prognosis was important not only to the relatives but also to the general practitioner in planning the future management of the patient. Fifty-five of the 72 patients were older than 65 years which means that we do see the patients we are particularly interested in. The clinic offers facilities for clinical research. In the project 'Diagnostiek bij dementiesyndroom' (Diagnostics in dementia syndrome) we investigate the utility of ancillary investigations in relation to the outcome in demented patients.