The effect of the table salt substitute sanasol on arterial pressure, water-salt metabolism and kidney functions in experimental pathology of circulatory homeostasis

Shtrygol', S.Iu.; Grishina, T.R.

Eksperimental'naia i Klinicheskaia Farmakologiia 55(6): 21-24


ISSN/ISBN: 0869-2092
PMID: 1305867
Document Number: 389347
The potassium-containing salt substitute sanasol was examined for its effects on blood pressure and renal function in normo- and hypertensive rats, as well as on the edematous syndrome in circulatory insufficiency. The antihypertensive and occasional antiedematous effects of sanasol resulted in unfavorable changes in electrolyte balance. Sanasol was found to be ineffective in experimental renal failure.

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