Cavinton in the prevention of the convulsive syndrome in children after birth injury

Dutov, A.A.; Gal'tvanitsa, G.A.; Volkova, V.A.; Sukhanova, O.N.; Lavrishcheva, T.G.; Petrov, A.P.

Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii Imeni S.S. Korsakova 91(8): 21-22


ISSN/ISBN: 0044-4588
PMID: 1661506
Document Number: 387273
The authors studied the efficacy of cavinton as an agent helpful in preventing neurologic disorders in the newborn with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy due to intracranial birth trauma. The short-term results of the treatment were elucidated in 61 children. In group I including 20 persons given conventional therapy, the disappearance of seizures was recorded in 6 patients; out of 41 children (group II) given additionally cavinton, in 27. Twenty-nine children were followed up for a year. In group I, convulsive paroxysms recurred in 4 patients, whereas in the group II children, no convulsive syndrome was recorded on the follow-up. The group II children also showed a decrease of the phenomena of intracranial hypertension and normalization of the psychomotor development. The preventive effect of cavinton seen in children with a history of birth trauma may be accounted for by its capacity of normalizing cerebrovascular disorders and by its own anticonvulsive properties.

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