Request for sterilization reversal
Metz, K.G.; Kremer, J.; Haspels, A.A.
Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 125(11): 409-412
ISSN/ISBN: 0028-2162 PMID: 7219579 Document Number: 386017
55 women requested an operation to reverse a previously performed sterilization operation. 46 of the woman requesting reversal had new partners; in 34 cases the woman had been divorced after the sterilization operation. The median age at the time of sterilization was 27.2 (20-35 years), the average parity was 2.6. 32 of the sterilization operations had been performed by electrocoagulation, 12 by either the Pomeroy or Madlener methods. The case histories of 4 women who applied for sterilization are evaluated in light of these statistics. Since divorce is becoming more prevalent, one should be more careful in approving sterilizations, especially among younger women. Also, less destructive methods of sterilization should be used.