Initiation of delayed-type hypersensitivity by low doses of monoclonal IgE antibody. Mediation by serotonin and inhibition by histamine

Ptak, W.; Geba, G.P.; Askenase, P.W.

Journal of Immunology 146(11): 3929-3936


ISSN/ISBN: 0022-1767
PMID: 2033262
Document Number: 384955
Elicitation of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses by DTH effector T cells requires a prior phase of DTH initiation. This consists of an immediate hypersensitivity-like response mediated by Ag-specific DTH-initiating factors that are analogous to IgE antibodies in that they sensitize tissue mast cells for release of the vasoactive amine serotonin (5-HT). Experiments were conducted to determine whether IgE mAb injected i.v., or 5-HT injected locally, could initiate DTH. It was found that small doses of IgE (1 microgram/mouse), or of 5-HT (50 to 500 ng locally), which mediated small immediate responses, were optimal for DTH initiation. Even lower doses of IgE (10 ng/mouse), or of 5-HT (5 ng locally), which did not mediate macroscopically measurable immediate responses, were capable of DTH initiation. Higher doses of IgE (10 to 100 micrograms/mouse), which mediated large immediate responses, were not able to initiate DTH. A similar dose response for DTH initiation was found with IgG1 mAb, which is another mast cell-sensitizing isotype of Ig. The inability of high doses of IgE or IgG1 to mediate DTH initiation was probably caused by local release of large inhibitory amounts of histamine, because systemic treatment with the histamine-2 receptor antagonist cimetidine allowed high doses of IgE to initiate DTH. Thus, IgE and IgG1 antibodies could initiate DTH via release of small amounts of 5-HT, but simultaneous release of large amounts of histamine were inhibitory, probably via an effect on histamine-2 receptors of recruited T cells. We concluded the following: 1) IgE or IgG1 antibodies can initiate DTH; 2) DTH initiation need not be associated with macroscopically detectable early responses; 3) mast cell release of 5-HT acts positively whereas release of histamine acts negatively in murine DTH; 4) Ag-specific factors are not the only mechanism of DTH initiation.

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