Free forearm flap used in the reconstruction of the cervico-cephalic region. 43 cases

Germain, M.A.; Trotoux, J.; Luboinski, B.; Schwaab, G.; Marandas, P.; Mamelle, G.; Leridant, A.M.; Julieron, M.; Janot, F.; Hureau, J.

Chirurgie; Memoires de l'Academie de Chirurgie 117(3): 236-243


ISSN/ISBN: 0001-4001
PMID: 1797476
Document Number: 384485
The free neurovascular antebrachial transplant was described by Yang-Guofan in 1978. In 1981, we brought the description of this free transplant to Europe. Forty-three antebrachial grafts were made to reconstruct the cervicocephalic extremity. We had various indications: floor of the mouth and base of the tongue: 18 cases, facial structures: 7 cases, posterior wall of the pharynx: 9 cases, rescue surgery for esophagoplasty: 6 cases, mandible: 2 cases (using a bone rod taken from the radius), internal aspect of the cheek: 1 case. All grafts were revascularized. In 41 cases, the indications were carcinological, the last 2 cases being benign lesions. The early postoperative mortality included 1 case, not related to the nature of the operation (neoplasm). There was no failure of free transplants. Surveillance was ensured every half-hour during 12 hours, then every 3 hours. Discriminating sensation was recovered in 39 of 43 cases. Mandibular bone reconstructions were knit at the 3rd month. The main disadvantage of removing this graft is esthetic, as it leaves a considerable scar on the forearm. The free antebrachial transplant provides an effective solution to the reconstructions of the cervicocephalic extremity, when a narrow, thin, supple, reinnervated, compound transplant is needed.

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