Improving influenza vaccine virus selection: report of a WHO informal consultation held at WHO headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, 14-16 June 2010
Ampofo, W.K.; Baylor, N.; Cobey, S.; Cox, N.J.; Daves, S.; Edwards, S.; Ferguson, N.; Grohmann, G.; Hay, A.; Katz, J.; Kullabutr, K.; Lambert, L.; Levandowski, R.; Mishra, A.C.; Monto, A.; Siqueira, M.; Tashiro, M.; Waddell, A.L.; Wairagkar, N.; Wood, J.; Zambon, M.; Zhang, W.
Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses 7 Suppl. 2: 52-53
ISSN/ISBN: 1750-2640 PMID: 24034484 DOI: 10.1111/irv.12081Document Number: 382881
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