The surgical treatment of acute cholecystitis in patients in a group at increased risk

Datsenko, B.M.; Ibishov, S.F.; Degtiarev, A.O.; Al'-Mutavakel', A.K.

Khirurgiia 7: 98-103


ISSN/ISBN: 0023-1207
PMID: 1921211
Document Number: 381872
The article deals with the results of treatment of acute cholecystitis in 190 patients of the increased risk group. An urgent operation was performed on 25 patients, the others received intensive nonoperative treatment and were subjected to complex examination aimed primarily at assessing the hepatic function (ultrasonic examination with photometric determination of screen luminescent brightness, intraduodenal contact electrothermometry, plasma biochemical tests). In failure of this treatment 88 patients underwent transhepatic microcholecystomy, one-stage external-internal drainage was carried out in 43 patients. Operation was undertaken in the cold period in 104 patients; chloroform with procaine hydrochloride was administered through a catheter in 15 patients to dissolve gallstones.

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