Hygienic substantiation of maximum permissible level of triethylphosphate in reservoir water

Sakhnovskaia, N.N.; Manenko, A.K.; Ivanova, O.P.; Komissarova, L.A.; Iashchenko, A.M.

Gigiena i Sanitariia 5: 17-19


ISSN/ISBN: 0016-9900
PMID: 1916331
Document Number: 380797
Data is presented on hygienic regulation of triethylphosphate (TEP) in the water of reservoirs. TEP is used in agriculture as plasticizer, as well as feedstock for organophosphides. Complex assessment of the results obtained made it possible to recommend 0.3 mg/l as MAC for TEP; the limiting index of harmfulness is general sanitary (BOD stimulation).

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