Effect on fertility of husband wife separation due to migration

Yadava, R.C.; Yadava, K.N.S.; Yadava, G.S.

Health and Population Perspectives and Issues 13(3-4): 179-186


ISSN/ISBN: 0253-6803
Document Number: 378756
This paper attempts to study the fertility differentials between two types of couples, designated as 'migrants' and 'non-migrants' by taking into consideration the characteristics such as caste, educational and economic status of household, education of males and females etc. The present study is based on the data collected from about 3500 households from rural area near Varanasi. The study revealed that the fertility in all the age-groups of 'migrants' was lower in comparison to 'non-migrants' and fertility differentials between 'migrants' and 'non-migrants' were also not uniform in different socio-economic groups of the rural society.

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