Protocol of Explanatory Study on Social, Economic and Political Dimensions of Nutritional Status of Children Aged Six to Sixty Months from Low Socio-Economic Strata in Kerala, India
Jayalakshmi, R.; Srinivasan, K.
Social Science Protocols 4: 1-12
ISSN/ISBN: 2516-8053 Document Number: 377471
Background: Despite having better human development indicators, one-fifth of under-five children in Kerala are undernourished. The demographic, socio-economic, cultural and political transition in Kerala necessitates a revisit on the causes of undernutrition among children given that it tackled many of the immediate causes of undernutrition. The present study aims at the multi-dimensional factors' influence on nutritional status of children from low socio-economic strata in Kerala. Methods/Design: The conceptual framework for the present study adapted the ecosocial theory by Nancy Krieger. We use an explanatory study design, by adopting both quantitative and qualitative methods. The sample size for the quantitative phase is 600 children of age six to 60 months and their mothers. The qualitative phase includes in-depth interviews with key informants. The data collection tools include weighing scale and stadiometer for taking anthropometric measurements, household survey questionnaire, interview schedule for mothers, interview guide for key informants, field diary and checklist for document analysis. Discussion: Contextual evidence that the study generates will have implications at individual, service provision and policy perspectives of undernutrition among children in Kerala. It will help improve the nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive policies and programs in Kerala, which in turn will improve the nutritional status of the children.