Prostatic pathology and correlated urethral stenosis. 10 cases treated with transluminal urethroplasty

Gnecchi, M.; Luparini, R.L.; Montini, A.; Satira, R.; Tedeschi, A.

La Clinica Terapeutica 138(5-6): 207-211


ISSN/ISBN: 0009-9074
PMID: 1836168
Document Number: 376701
Our study was intended to verify the efficacy and the side effects of intraluminal dilatation of the distal urinary tract with vascular balloon catheter in a group of patients with urethral stenosis. In 6 out of 10 patients, there was a significant increase in urethral diameter (by 70% to 150%). In 4 patients, the stenosis was only slightly improved (increase in urethral diameter by 10% to 20%). Only 5 patients, all belonging to the group in which dilatation was anatomically effective, have been having normal micturition and have been asymptomatic. According to data in our possession, transurethral dilatation does not seem to be very effective, since it restores adequate micturition in only 50% of cases. In view of the absence of severe side effects, however, this technique may be indicated in patients with medical problems that preclude surgery.

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