The liability of employed physicians in the "New German States" in 1991
Langanke, A.
Anaesthesiologie und Reanimation 16(5): 337-341
ISSN/ISBN: 0323-4983 PMID: 1741908 Document Number: 376624
The law has essentially changed in the "New German States" (in former times "East-Germany") since the unification of East- and West-Germany on the 3rd of October 1990. The civil code ("Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch = BGB") is now valid for all working conditions. But due to the "Unification Treaty" the regulations regarding the hospital liability ("Materielle Verantwortlichkeit der Gesundheitseinrichtung = mVGe") are still existing until the 31st of December 1991. Now, however, it is possible that in case of malpractice the patient may claim the employed physician directly liable.