Pancreatico-gastric anastomosis after cephalic duodenopancreatectomy
Sauvanet, A.; Belghiti, J.; Gayet, B.; Fékété, F.
Annales de Chirurgie 45(10): 889-893
ISSN/ISBN: 0003-3944 PMID: 1685877 Document Number: 374561
Between January 1988 and February 1991, 27 patients underwent pancreaticogastrostomy after pancreaticoduodenectomy. The mean age of the patient was 57 years and 18 of them were male. Pancreatic disease was malignant in 21 patients (78%) and benign in 6 patients. The pancreatic remnant was normal in 15 patients (56%) and fibrotic in 12 patients. There was one operative death (3.7%) unrelated to the pancreaticogastrostomy. Only two complications (7.5%) were related to pancreaticogastrostomy: one patient had intra-gastric bleeding and was reoperated, one patient developed a pancreatic leak (3.7%) which healed without reoperation. The authors conclude that pancreaticogastrostomy in the preferred method of management of the pancreatic remnant after pancreaticoduodenectomy.