Treatment for facial neuronitis: a new approach to Bell's palsy
Pisonero, P.; Vallejo, L.; Menéndez, E.; Evangelista, C.R.; Alonso, A.
Anales Otorrinolaringologicos Ibero-Americanos 18(4): 361-374
ISSN/ISBN: 0303-8874 PMID: 1716859 Document Number: 372798
The presence of sensitive symptoms, symptoms of parasympathetic ganglion's affection, as well as signs of affection of other cranial nerves accompanying to Bell's palsy, led us to consider and treat this disorder as a symptom of motor lesion of a possible primary neuron inflammation. Although we have not found valid statistical correlations between the lesion and location patterns, we have found, however, that continues electromyographic studies, and the early treatment carried out, may be of great interest to avoid sequels. The treatment was focussed to eliminate both the possible cause and the inflammatory process, as to improve neuron regeneration. From 60 patients selected to enter this study, 91,66 percent recovered the motor function.