Hemorrhoidectomy by Arnous and Parnaud's method: its role in the magnitude of postoperative pain
Carditello, A.
Chirurgia Italiana 43(5-6): 200-205
ISSN/ISBN: 0009-4773 PMID: 1841013 Document Number: 372313
To evaluate the role of internal sphincterotomy with hemorrhoidectomy on postoperative pain, 50 patients with III and IV degree hemorrhoids were subdivided in two groups. Patients of Ist group underwent classic Milligan-Morgan operation; in the IId group, Arnous-Parnaud's hemorrhoidectomy was performed. Ist group's patients needed analgesic in the immediate postoperative period and during hospital stay until clinic healing. IId group's patients needed analgesic only in the first postoperative hour. No significative differences were seen between two groups about mean hospital stay and both clinic and anatomic healing. Two patients of Ist group developed postoperative stenosis and underwent reoperation. Long-term results were good in the two groups of patients. The effectiveness of sphincterotomy on both postoperative pain and prevention of postoperative stenosis is confirmed.