The choice of anesthesia for endoscopic interventions in the upper digestive tract

Goncharov, I.A.; Tsibuliak, V.N.; Mizikov, V.M.

Anesteziologiia i Reanimatologiia 2: 19-22


ISSN/ISBN: 0201-7563
PMID: 1862979
Document Number: 370810
The efficacy of local anesthesia during upper abdominal endoscopy was compared to that of local anesthesia in combination with moradol. Local anesthesia of the throat combined with intramuscular moradol (0.04 mg/kg) helps retain psychoemotional indifference and stable hemodynamic and autonomous system parameters in such traumatic moments of the endoscopy as irritation and dilatation, which cannot be said of patients who were subject to such interventions under local anesthesia alone.

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