Drug therapy under physical conditioning and during phase IIi rehabilitation in patients following acute myocardial infarct
Dahn, G.; Kothe, K.
Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Innere Medizin und ihre Grenzgebiete 45(14): 411-413
ISSN/ISBN: 0044-2542 PMID: 1981410 Document Number: 367655
In the framework of the secondary prevention after acute myocardial infarction the interaction between physical conditioning (pK) and medicamentous therapy was analysed and a retrospective evaluation of the therapy was performed during the rehabilitation phase III. During the physical conditioning (n = 110) in 31% of the patients changes of the medicamentous therapy rendered themselves necessary (15% increase of the dose, 16% reduction of the dose and withdrawal of a medicament, respectively). In the rehabilitation phase III (n = 277) 72% of the patients were given nitrates, 68% calcium antagonists and 55% beta-receptor blocking agents (43% double, 29% triple combinations) and 15% digitoxin. The aim of the medicamentous therapy is the treatment of the myocardial ischaemia and its sequels, taking into consideration the positive effects of the physical conditioning and the influence on the quality of life.