The computer system of monitoring of antibiotic sensitivity of pathogenetic bacteria causing suppurative-septic diseases
Semina, N.A.; Gladkova, K.K.; Vinograd, D.L.; Pavlenishvili, I.V.; Urbashkova, I.V.; Petrash, P.; Kotliarova, G.A.; Kondrat'eva, E.M.; Makarova, N.V.; Umrikhina, N.V.
Antibiotiki i Khimioterapiia 35(10): 19-21
ISSN/ISBN: 0235-2990 PMID: 2278492 Document Number: 367363
A system for surveillance of drug resistance of etiologically important microorganisms in obstetric units and burn and sepsis centres was developed. Realization of the system with various methods is possible in case of permanent control and comparison of the results. The overwhelming majority (up to 90 per cent) of the etiologically important microorganisms were multiresistant. An information bank was filed. It could be used as a basis for developing principles of strategy and tactics in rational antibiotic therapy.