Long-term follow-up of laparoscopic sterilizations by electrocoagulation, the Hulka clip and the tubal ring

Koetsawang, S.; Gates, D.S.; Suwanichati, S.; Jivasak-Apimas, S.; Leckyim, N.A.; Cilenti, D.

Contraception 41(1): 9-18


ISSN/ISBN: 0010-7824
PMID: 2137406
DOI: 10.1016/0010-7824(90)90122-c
Document Number: 365878
A follow-up study of 499 women who underwent sterilization between August 1973 and may 1976 at the Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, and had long-term (4-12 years post-surgery) follow-up is described. Women were sterilized through participation in one of 3 studies conducted at this hospital. In the 1st study, 124 underwent sterilization using the Hulka clip via laparoscopy; 67.7% of these women returned for a long-term follow-up visit. In the second study, 300 women were randomly allocated to the Hulka clip or to unipolar electrocoagulation (cautery) via laparoscopy; 70.0% of the women from this study returned for a long-term follow-up visit. The final study was a randomized trial comparing the tubal ring and unipolar electrocoagulation occlusion techniques in 300 cases. Long-term follow- up visits were recorded for 207 women (69.0%) from this study. 5 technical failures (procedures not performed or completed as planned) and 6 non-interval cases were excluded from follow-up analyses. A total of 713 interval patients were eligible for follow-up. Long-term follow- up was initiated in 1978 and continued through 1986. Late sequelae of sterilization, including pregnancies and pelvic surgery are discussed with regard to type and time of tubal occlusion. 1 intrauterine and 2 ectopic pregnancies were reported among women who were sterilized with cautery; 1 ectopic pregnancy was reported by a women sterilized with the Hulka clip. Pelvic or abdominal surgeries were reported in 27 cases. Most (98%) women indicated that they were satisfied with their sterilization procedure.

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