Effects of acute respiratory viral infection on the state of cellular defense factors of the upper respiratory tract mucosa in young children

Buĭko, V.P.; Bazhora, I.I.

Pediatriia 12: 15-18


ISSN/ISBN: 0031-403X
PMID: 2075057
Document Number: 361153
Study of the qualitative and quantitative indicators of reprint smears from the surface of the upper respiratory mucosa in healthy infants and in these with acute respiratory viral infection has shown that migrating polymorphonuclear leukocytes take an active part in the functioning of the barrier of the upper respiratory mucosa at the early stages of human ontogenesis. The cytogram and cytochemical characterization of peprint smear cells from the upper respiratory mucosa in infants afflicted with acute respiratory viral infection are sensitive tests in the assessment of defence potentialities of the child's body.

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