Prevention of malaria in travellers and expatriates
Bourgeade, A.; Faugere, B.; Nosny, Y.
Medecine Tropicale Revue du Corps de Sante Colonial 50(1): 125-131
ISSN/ISBN: 0025-682X PMID: 2195279 Document Number: 359898
Since the occurrence of the chloroquino-resistance, chemoprophylaxis for all is not anymore the sound principle to malaria prophylaxis for travellers and expatriates. Protection against malaria has now to be based on comprehensive actions (chemoprophylaxis, control of infecting bites, treatment of malaria cases as soon as first symptom occur), they have to be combined, as a whole or not, according to the area, the duration and the type of tropical stay, and even sometimes according to some parameters peculiar to an individual. The development of concepts concerning the epidemiology of human malaria and the use of antimalarial drugs, either as protective or curative, lead more and more to the necessity for any traveller or expatriate to take medical advice from a specialized physician.