Rural labour shortages in Southeast Asia and the Pacific: a review of the evidence. In: Population mobility and development: Southeast Asia and the Pacific (Edited by G.W. Jones, H.V. Richter)

Jones, G.W.; Ward, R.G.

Monograph, Development Studies Centre, Australian National University 27: 387-405


Document Number: 357440
The need to optimize rural employment patterns at a time of rapid economic change, and to maximize the benefits and minimize the costs of the rural-urban flow of labour. There is a need to resolve the paradox of the apparent juxtaposition of widespread underutilization of labour in rural areas and evidence of various kinds of rural labour shortages. The paper reviews the evidence for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, discusssing the impact of technical change on the rural workforce, widening education in its broadest sense, changing aspirations of the young and, for many Pacific islanders, opportunities for long or short term international migration.

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