Diagnostic investigation of clients seeking contraception in a general practive. Diagnostic probability for pronounced menstrual discomfort, sexual complaints and pathological gynecologic findings in a woman's age, marrital status, parity, employment, and social status

Kragstrup, J.

Ugeskrift for Laeger 139(21): 1232-1235


ISSN/ISBN: 0041-5782
PMID: 559364
Document Number: 354076
1983 women seeking contraception were surveyed about age, marital situation, menstrual irregularities, sexual problems, parity, occupation, and social status and were examined for pathological gynecological findings. These results were then correlated to determine relationships between them. 17% of the women had menstrual problems, 16% sexual problems, and 10% pathological gynecological findings. As age increased, menstrual problems decreased in frequency and sexual problems increased. Housewives and married women in general had fewer menstrual problems and more sexual problems than working women. Menstrual problems decreased as parity increased, while sexual problems and pathological gynecological findings increased as parity increased. Social status showed no relation to any of the other variables. When parity is given, none of the other parameters add significance to the findings.

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